Sunday, January 20, 2008

It*s almost Monday

I*ve had a pretty relaxing day. I cleaned up the apartment. I*ve been sick the last few days so it needed it! I dusted :o) now my nose is running. It actually snowed yesterday! I was so excited this is the 1st time this year. North Carolina hasn*t seen it in awhile, except for the mountains.

I made a new pair of earrings this morning. I listed them on etsy before i went to bed. I wanna do something new but have no idea what, so i believe I*m going to do a pole. I went to The Mill outlet yesterday before it started snowing & got some fabric. I*m thinking of making key fobs. I dont want people thinking i*m trying to step on their toes though. I may do a pole.

If you take my pole, you can take 30% off any item in my shop. If you see something you*d like to give a good home, just convo me. I*ll change the price & it*s yours!

Be the 185th, 190th, 195th people to heart me & take 30% off any item in my shop or 50% off any order of 2 items or more!!

2 people had something to say:

Caitlin said...

Hi !
Those earrings are great. I was browsing your store earlier today, and I've been craving chocolate ever since.

SHI said...

Those earrings look scrumptious!!