Monday, June 21, 2010

The longest day of the year

This has definitely been the longest day of the year, Anyone else feel this way. How has every one's day been? I've been a little busy the past few days with the wedding cake. I used my brother's jeep ( no good on gas! ) to take the wedding cake to the beach on Saturday. So I took him his keys back & chatted with him for a few minutes. I also took some time to drop in the book store while i waited for Rachel to wake up. I found an interesting book called "Toxic Psychiatry". I must admit the brightly colored pills on the front cover intrigued me so i took a look. It seems interesting, but I'm only on page 9. I've got to sign up for my fall classes & I've been thinking a lot about it today. I love pastries & making cakes but I'm also interested in things that include the human body, brain, & medicines. I was also thinking about taking some pharmaceutical classes in case. Pastry class is 2 years & it pays awesome but i cant decide but i need to sign up for classes. I'm going to finish watching the Family Guy & I'm going to bed after i watch "Neighbors From Hell" =o) i love cartoons!

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